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한국전쟁사진 - Saumel Barber / Adiagio For Strings (Platoon o.s.t)

테크인코리아 2010. 5. 22. 04:41

With her brother on her back a war weary Korean girl tiredly trudges by a stalled M-26 tank, at Haengju, Korea.
June 9, 1951. Maj. R.V. Spencer, UAF. (Navy)

Buddies aid wounded man of 24th Inf. Regt., after a battle 10 miles south of Chorwon, Korea. April 22, 1951. Cpl. Tom Nebbia. (Army)

These men of the Heavy Mortar Co., 7th Inf. Regt., go native, cooking rice in their foxhole in the Kagae-dong area, Korea. December 7, 1950. Pfc. Donald Dunbar. (Army)

Lt. Col. John Hopkins, commanding officer of the First Battalion, Fifth Marine Regiment, leads in singing the "Star Spangled Banner" during Memorial Services held in the field during the Korean campaign. June 21, 1951. Cpl. Valle. (Marine Corps)

Marines of the First Marine Division pay their respects to fallen buddies during memorial services at the division's cemetery at Hamhung, Korea, following the break-out from Chosin Reservoir, December 13, 1950. Cpl. Uthe. (Marine Corps)

Cpl. Charles Price sounds "Taps" over the graves of fallen Leathernecks during memorial services at the First Marine Division cemetery at Hungnam, following the division's heroic break-out from Chosin Reservoir. December 13, 1950. Cpl. W. T. Wolfe. (Marine Corps)

A wounded chaplain reads a memorial service over the snow-covered bodies of dead Marines. Koto-ri, Korea. December 3, 1950. Cpl. W. T. Wolfe. (Marine Corps)

How a man died on the way to Maeson Dong. September 2, 1950. Sgt. Turnbull. (Army)

General view of buildings in the suburbs of Seoul, Korea, destroyed by artillery and air strikes. August 20, 1951. G. Dimitri Boria. (Army)

An aged Korean woman pauses in her search for salvageable materials among the ruins of Seoul, Korea. November 1, 1950. Capt. C. W. Huff. (Army)

Korean women and children search the rubble of Seoul for anything that can be used or burned as fuel. November 1, 1950. Capt. F. L. Scheiber. (Army)

Scene of war damage in residential section of Seoul, Korea. The capitol building can be seen in the background (right). October 18, 1950. Sfc. Cecil Riley. (Army)

Wreckage of big transport which North Koreans hit while it was on Kimpo Airfield, is again in friendly hands, upon recapture of field. September 18, 1950. Sgt. Frank C. Kerr. (Marine Corps)

Panmunjom, Korea, the site of military armistice negotiations between representatives of the Communist forces fighting in Korea, and United Nations forces representatives. November 1, 1951. Capt. Edward W. Plummer. (Army)

Return of POW's during Operation "Big Switch," Panmunjom, Korea. Communist POW's ripped off their clothing and strewed it along the road. Some of the clothing is burning. August 12, 1953. Larsen. (Navy)

At the United Nations' prisoner-of-war camp at Pusan, prisoners are assembled in one  of the camp compounds. The camp contains both North Korean and Chinese Communist prisoners. April 1951. Gahn, State Dept. (USIA)
Exact Date Shot Unknown

A U.S. Marine tank follows a line of prisoners of war down a village street. September 26, 1950. S. Sgt. John Babyak, Jr. (Marine Corps)

North Korean prisoners, taken by the Marines in a foothills fight, march single file across a rice paddy. 1950 (Marine Corps)

An old Korean man takes a rest on the street in front of destroyed buildings, in Seoul. August 20, 1951. G. Dimitri Boria. (Army)

Miss Mo Yun Sook, famed Korean poetess, is telling how she escaped the Communist-led North Koreans when they captured Seoul, by hiding in the mountains until the U.N. forces liberated the city. November 8, 1950. Cpl. Robert Dangel. (Army)

North Korean refugees use anything that will float to evacuate Hungnam. Here they jam the decks of a South Korean LST and many fishing boats.
December 19, 1950. (Navy)

Korean natives prepare to board an LST during the evacuation of Hungnam, while other refugees unload some of their meager belongings from an ox-cart and load them on a fishing boat. December 19, 1950. (Navy)

Refugees streaming across the frozen Han River on the ice as they flee southward before the advancing tide of Red Chinese and North Korea Communists. Shattered bridges are shown in the background. January 1951. INP. (USIA)Exact Date Shot Unknown

Long trek southward: Seemingly endless file of Korean refugees slogs through snow outside of Kangnung, blocking withdrawal of ROK I Corps. January 8, 1951. Cpl. Walter Calmus. (Army)

Refugees crowd railway depot at Inchon, Korea, in hopes they may be next to get aboard for trip further south and safety from communist hordes. January 3, 1951. C.K. Rose. (Navy)

United Nations flag waves over crowd waiting to hear Dr. Syngman Rhee speak to the United Nations Council in Taegu, Korea. July 30, 1950. Sgt. Girard. (ARmy)

USO Troupe - Mickey Rooney amd members of his show feed troops chow; right to left are : Dick Winslow, Mickey Rooney, Deenah Prince, Alice Tyrrell, and Red Barry. October 12, 1952. Cpl. John Scoblic. (Marine Corps)

Marilyn Monroe sings several songs for an estimated 13,000 men of the First Marine Division. Miss Monroe stopped by at the First Marine Regiment on her tour of the military units in Korea. February 16, 1954. Cpl. Kreplin. (Marine Corps)

Marilyn Monroe, motion picture actress, appearing with the USO Camp Show, "Anything Goes," poses for the shutterbugs after a performance at the 3rd U.S. Inf. Div. area. February 17, 1954. Cpl. Welshman. (Army)

Men of 92nd Engineer Searchlight Company focus on Yodeler Elton Britt during Camel Caravan variety show at Hongchon, Korea. June 9, 1951. Pfc. R.J. McKinney. (Army)

Chaplain Dennis Murphy celebrates mass for the men of 65th AAA Bn., at Bolo Point, Okinawa. July 19, 1951. Nelse Einwaechter. (Army)

General view of the 3rd ROK Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, Wonju, Korea.
September 1951. (Army)

U.S. Marines wounded at Kari San Mountain are evacuated via helicopter and flown to hospital in near areas for treatment. Navy Corpsmen prepare three
wounded Marines for evacuation. May 23, 1951. N.H. McMasters. (Navy)

Pfc. Thomas Conlon, 21st Inf. Regt., lies on a stretcher at a medical aid station, after being wonunded while crossing the Naktong River in Korea. September 19, 1950. Cpl. Dennis P. Buckley. (Army)

The USS Missouri fires 16-inch shell into enemy lines at Hungnam. A 16-inch 3-gun salvo is on its way to commies.
December 26, 1950. (Navy)

A 16-inche salvo from the USS Missouri at Chong Jin, Korea, in effort to cut Northern Korean communications. Chong Jin is onl y 39 miles from the border of China. October 21, 1950. (Navy)

Supply warehouses and dock facilities at this important east coast port feel the destructive weight of para-demolition bombs dropped from Fifth Air Force's B-26 Invader light bombers, Wonsan, North Korea. Ca. 1951. Air Force. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown

Lt. R. P. Yeatman, from the USS Bon Homme Richard, is shown rocketing and bombing Korean bridge. November 1952. (Navy)

Navy AD-3 dive bomber pulls out of dive after dropping a 2000 lb. bomb on Korean side of a bridge crossing the Yalu River at Sinuiju, into Manchuria.
Note: anti-aircraft gun emplacement on both sides of the river. November 15, 1950. (Navy)

Navy Sky Raiders from the USS Valley Forge fire 5-inch wing rockets at North Korean communist field positions. October 24, 1950. PhoM3c. Burke. (Navy)

Pfc. Roman Prauty, a gunner with 31st RCT (crouching foreground), with the assistance of his gun crew, fires a 75mm recoilless rifle, near Oetlook-tong, Korea, in support of infantry units directly across the valley. June 9, 1951. Peterson. (Army)

The Rockets Red Glare - U.S. Marines launch a 4.5 rocket barrage against the Chinese Communists in the Korean fighting. Ca. 1951. (Marine Corps)

Commandoes of the 41st Royal British Marines plant demolition charges along railroad tracks of enemy supply line which they demolished during a commando raid, 8 miles south of Songjin, Korea. April 10, 1951. (Navy)

U.S. Marines move forward after effective close-air support flushes out the enemy from their hillside entrenchments. Billows of smoke rise skyward from the target area. Hagaru-ri. December 26, 1950. Cpl. McDonald. (Marine Corps)

Men of the 19th Inf. Regt. work their way over the snowy mountains about 10 miles north of Seoul, Korea, attempting to locate the enemy lines and positions. January 3, 1951. Pfc. James J. Jacquet. (Army)

Men and equipment being parachuted to earth in an operation conducted by United Nations airborne units. Ca. 1951. Defense Dept. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown

Paratroopers of the 187th RCT (Regimental Combat Team) float earthward from C-119's to cut off retreating enemy units south of Munsan, Korea. March 23, 1951. Cpl. P. T. Turner. (Army)

Marine infantrymen take cover behind a tank while it fires on Communist troops ahead. Hongchon Area, May 22, 1951. Sgt. John Babyak, Jr. (Marine Corps)

F4U's (Corsairs) returning from a combat mission over North Korea circle the USS Boxer as they wait for planes in the next strike to be launched from her flight deck - a helicopter hovers above the ship. September 4, 1951. (Navy)

The Pantherjets are refueling after rockets have been "hung" under the wings.
Ca. 1951. M.Sgt. C.D. Prindle. (Marine Corps)

Invasion of Ichon, Korea. Four LST's unload men and equipment on beach. Three of the LST's shown are LST-611, LST-745, and LST-715. September 15, 1950. C.K. Rose. (Navy)

"Freedom Gate Bridge" spanning the Imjin River, built by the 84th Engineer Construction Bn. This bridge temporarily replaces the original structure which was destroyed by bombs. March 10, 1952. G. Dimitri Boria. (Army)

Supplies and equipment are also evacuated from the ons laught of the Communist Forces bearing down on Hungnam, Korea. December 11, 1950. Pfc. Emerich M. Christ. (Army)

Missouri infantrymen with the 19th Inf. Regt. along the Kumsong front wish Happy New Year to the stateside folks. December 14, 1951. Cpl. Mervyn Lew. (Army)

With nearly 3,000 pin-ups (including over 200 shots of Marilyn Monroe) serving as wallpaper for their Quonset hut, these Marines of the "Devil-cats" squadron are still looking for more, October 28, 1952. Sgt. Curt Giese. (Marine Corps)

Astonished Marines of the 5th and 7th Regiments, who hurled back a surprise ons laught by three Chinese communist divisions, hear that they are to withdraw! Ca. December 1950. Sgt. Frank C. Kerr. (Marine Corps)

Marines of the 1st Marine Division relax by a Korean hut after destroying an enemy sniper housed there. September 24, 1951. T. Sgt. Frank W. Sewell. (Marine Corps)

Fresh and eager U.S. Marine troops, newly-arrived at the vital southern supply port of Pusan, are shown prior to moving up to the front lines. August 1950. INP. (USIA) Exact Date Shot Unknown

Officers and men of the 62nd Engineers stand in front of the first train to cross the new railroad bridge which they built across the Han River at Seoul, Korea.
October 19, 1950. Sfc. Albert Guyette. (Army)

Lt Gen James A. Van Fleet, CG US 8th Army, and LTC Barber, 453rd Eng Const Bn, 8th US Army, are amoung the first men riding the first test train across the newly reconstructed Han River Railroad Bridge at Seoul, Korea. 12 Jun 1951.

Men of the 24th Inf. Regt. move up to the firing line in Korea.
July 18, 1950. Breeding. (Army)

Troops of the 31st Inf. Regt. land at Inchon Harbor, Korea, aboard LST's.
September 18, 1950. Hunkins. (Army)

Lt. Gen. Matthew Ridgeway; Maj. Gen. Doyle Hickey; and Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Commander in Chief of U.N. Forces in Korea, in a jeep at a command post, Yang Yang, approximately 15 milies north of the 38th parallel, April 3, 1951. Grigg. (Army)

General of the Army Douglas MacArthur is shown inspecting troops of the 24th Inf. on his arrival at Kimpo airfield for a tour of the battlefront. February 21, 1951. INP. (USIA)

Saumel Barber / Adiagio For Strings  (Platoon o.s.t)