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김연아 무결점 연기 이어간다

테크인코리아 2009. 11. 12. 18:34

Kim Yu-na aims for flawless performance
김연아 무결점 연기 이어간다

‘피겨 퀸’ 김연아 선수가 그랑프리 5차 대회 ‘스케이트 아메리카’ 에 참가하기 위해, 오늘 뉴욕주 레이크플레시드에 도착했다. 김연아는 지난 달 프랑스 파리에서 열린 시즌 첫 그랑프리 대회에서 합계 210.03 이라는 놀라운 점수로 우승. 또 한번 세계의 주목을 받았다. 김연아는 이번 대회에서도 ‘200’ 점 유지를 목표로 다시 우승을 거머쥘 각오며, 이를 통해 3개월이 채 남지 않은 2010년 밴쿠버 동계올림픽에서 금메달 달성이라는 목표에도 한 단계 더 다가설 전망이다.

Korean figure skating star Kim Yu-na said Wednesday she was aiming for a clean-cut performance and a steady score as she headed for a Grand Prix series in the United States, Yonhap News said.

The 19-year-old world champion set a new record of 210.03 at the 2009-10 season opener at Trophee Bompard in Paris last month, eclipsing her own personal best of 207.71 set at the World Championship in March.

"I want to finish my program clean-cut without big mistakes as I have done in the past," Kim said after arriving here by car from Toronto where she trains with her Canadian coach Brian Oser.

"I haven't focused much on scores, but keeping in the 200 points range will be a desirable goal for me."

Despite her near-perfect scores in Paris, she missed a flip jump after completing a triple lutz-triple toe loop combination and her spins and spirals were downgraded.

"I know I was lower level in my spins and spirals. I tried to improve my overall performance, working on every aspect of my program after the competition," she said.

For this season, she chose to skate to a James Bond medley for the short program and George Gershwin's Piano Concerto F for the long program, keeping in mind the Vancouver Winter Olympic next year.
