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성폭행 피해자 탓, 설문조사...?

테크인코리아 2010. 2. 15. 23:27

Some rape victims should take blame
성폭행 피해자 탓, 설문조사 50% 이상 지적

영국 런던의 성폭력 상담소들이 성인 남녀 1,000 명을 대상으로 한 설문조사 결과, 절반 이상이 성폭행 피해자에게도 책임이 있다고 대답했다. 응답자 대부분은 피해자들의 화려한 옷차림, 술자리 동석 등이 성폭행을 유발하게 했다고 지적했다. 특히 남성에 비해 더 많은 여성들이 성폭행 피해자가 잘못이라고 지적한 것으로 나타났다. 또 이번 조사에 따르면 상당 수 여성들은 성폭행을 당하더라도 수치심 등으로 인해 신고를 하지 않을 것이라고 대답했다.

Half of women think that some rape victims should take responsibility for what happened, a study has shown, the BBC reported on Monday.

The survey, titled “Wake up to Rape,” polled 1,061 people with 712 women and 349 men, carried out by sexual assault clinics in London.

One-third blamed victims who had dressed proactively or gone back to the attacker’s house for a drink.

Women were more likely than men to blame victims, with those aged between 18 and 24 are the most likely to judge.

Twenty-four percent of the age group said, wearing a short skirt, accepting a drink or having a conversation with the rapist made victims partly responsible.

It also found one in five women would not report a rape to the police with half of these as they would be too ashamed or embarrassed.

In five years ago, only small number of people laid the blame for rape at victims themselves, the report said.

The BBC noted that this survey suggests “attitudes may have hardened,” which may help to explain why juries are reluctant to convict in some rape trials.